Annual Meeting

2025 Annual Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities

Grid of Healthcare Workers
Feature your brand

Sponsorships with high impact

AADOCR recognizes that our partners have a range of goals when participating in our meetings. Therefore, we have numerous sponsorship opportunities available that deliver many opportunities to promote your products and services.

The success of these events is dependent upon the support of you, our corporate and association partners.

All packages include:

  • Company sponsor profile listing in the online program
  • Company logo on session room “walk-in” slides and scrolling slides for the Opening Ceremonies
  • Company’s support of the meeting acknowledged in the post-meeting newsletter

Scientific Session Partners

Support the science of the meeting through these partnerships with different levels of benefits and high visibility recognition.


Scientific Session Partner BenefitsBronze
Sponsor profile, including direct link to website and social media, on the AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting website (continues post-meeting)
Complimentary meeting registrations (ticketed events excluded)1248
Company recognition at sponsor level with logo on welcome slides before Oral Presentations/Symposia
Company logo on signage in convention center
Sponsor ribbons for onsite staff recognizing your sponsor level
Access to the exclusive Donor and Sponsors Lounge onsite throughout the duration of the meeting.
Tickets to attend the President’s Reception 248
Reserved seating at Opening Ceremonies 
Conference ad on the app 50%
Ability to schedule a meeting with AADOCR leadership  
Discount on additional booth purchases (after first booth)  25%50%
Ability to schedule complimentary meeting and reception space at the General Session & Exhibition.   
Company recognition in Post-meeting Newsletter
Acknowledgment in Annual Report and Proceedings for that year


Industry-Sponsored Symposium

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

Advertising Opportunities

Questions about how you can support the Annual Meeting?

AADOCR Meetings Department


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