Reasons for Running
I'm running for the Graduate student representative position because I can bring a unique view point for the NSRG and represent both a minority demographic and PhD students from the South. My graduate studies focus on advanced imaging in oral tumors and cancer, so my work exists within the dental and medical schools. I have a broad perspective on oral research and the translation to clinic. I have experience as a graduate student leader, as our graduate theme representative, which organizes events and guides students through their first- year experiences. This event planning would be beneficial as session coordinating for NSRG events. I'm also an avid member of my local LGBTQ+ community, which can present challenges within academics. I would love the opportunity to support my communities at a national level and feel the inclusive environment of AADOCR and NSRG would be an excellent opportunity.
Research Conducted/Student Activities
- Collecting data for Phase || Clinical Trial at UAB for using fluorescence- guided surgery for oropharyngeal cancer with robotic surgery.
- Establishing a pre-clinical model of amleoblastoma and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) to examine the use of fluorescent and radiolabeled antibodies for improving imaging and margin delineation.
- First place in Predoctoral Basic Science at the UAB School of Dentistry representative to the Hinman Student Research Symposium.
- Cancer, Biology Theme Representative - organize monthly meetings, including recruitment of speakers, room reservations, and food; a welcoming party; a welcoming party; and act as a student touchpoint as they navigate their first year.
- Presented as an interactive talk at AADOCR 2023, sponsored by Dr. Amm.