AADOCR NSRG – President Candidate
Reasons for Running:
The advancement of dental, oral, and craniofacial research hinges on the recruitment and proper mentorship of trainees at a very early stage. I have passionately worked for many years to identify mechanisms that would help those interested in pursuing research to be able to do so seamlessly. As a fourth year DMD/PhD student, I am training to speak the languages of both scientists and clinicians in order to help bridge the existing communication gap between the two. I have served through various positions at the IADR/AADOCR through Government Affairs, the NSRG, and my local SRG. These experiences have afforded me a thorough understanding of the organization’s mechanisms, goals, and people.
As President of the NSRG, I will diligently work to establish pipelines for access to research opportunities and networking events for undergraduate pre-dental students. Furthermore, I want to establish consistent career development opportunities for dental students and graduate trainees
(PhD, Masters, and Postdoc). I believe creating mentorship programs for these groups is imperative to the continuity of research activity throughout the various stages of training. I will faithfully conduct the duties of the President, and further, I aim to exceed all expectations. I greatly appreciate your consideration.
Research Conducted / Student Activities
My current research focuses on skeletal development using various mouse models to elucidate the genetic programming in skeletal stem and progenitor cells during mineralized tissue formation. I am working towards a career as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon-scientist.
- National Student Research Group (Vice President [2022-24], Southeast A Regional Representative [2021-22], Advocacy Representative [2022-23], Government Affairs Liaison [2022-23], Gert Quigley Fellow [2022-23])
- 2022-2024: Served in the Five-Year Plan Committee, Scientific Group Award Committee, and Publication Committee
- 2022-2024: Served as a judge for NSRG 411 Rapid Research Competition, Newsletters, and NSRG Awards
- 2023-2024: NSRG JDR Perspective Team • 2021-2023, AADOCR/IADR Interactive Talks
- 2023 SCADA Finalist
- 2021-2023: Advocacy Days on the Hill ASBMR
- 2022-23 Student Cohort • 2023, Poster Presentation ICCBMT
- 2023, Oral Talk, Travel Award, Young Investigator Award UAB School of Dentistry
- UAB SOD Student Research Group (President [2021-23], Legislative Liaison [2023-24]
- ASDA (Legislative Liaison [2023-24]) • Scholars Symposium (2021-23, 2nd and 3rd Place Awards, SCADA Finalist)
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0409-5628