For Students

NSRG Election Information

NSRG 2024

NSRG Officers Elections Open!

Nomination deadline: November 15, 2024


An officer elect must have no less than two years remaining in their respective training program and as an eligible student member of AADOCR (as defined in the AADOCR constitution) in order to be considered for election-one year to serve as officer-elect and a second year to serve as officer. President-elect must have a remaining two years as a student and must be an AADOCR member for an additional third year as immediate past president. The Graduate Student Representative-elect must be a student enrolled in a PhD or Master's program: pre-candidate PhD student, candidate PhD student, non-clinical master's students, residents who are perusing a master's as part of their specialty training, and DDS/PhD or DMD/PhD students, with no less than 2 years left in their program.

Any active student member of IADR/AADOCR must have renewed their membership or joined prior to November 1, 2024, to be eligible to run and/or vote in this year's election. Student members must be enrolled or affiliated with a U.S.-based dental school or institution in order to run for office.

To ensure a diverse representation on the NSRG board, only one candidate is eligible to run from each school. If there are multiple nominees from a school, the local SRG faculty advisor will be asked to select one candidate for the entire ballot.


Anyone interested in serving as an AADOCR National Student Research Group (NSRG) Officer must be available to attend the following meetings, first as an Officer-elect and then as an Officer. Anyone interested in serving as NSRG President must also be able to attend AADOCR Board Meetings and those NSRG meetings over a third year as Immediate Past President.

The NSRG covers the cost of attendance for board meetings, but not for AADOCR/IADR meetings.

Event/MeetingDatesAll CandidatesPresident Candidates Only
AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting (New York, NY.)March 12-15, 2025 ▲ 
AADOCR Board of Directors MeetingApril/May 2025 
NSRG Board MeetingAugust 2025 ▲ 
AADOCR Board of Directors MeetingDecember 2025 
NSRG Board MeetingJanuary 2026 ▲ 
IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session (San Diego, CA)March 25-28, 2026 ▲ 
AADOCR Board of Directors MeetingApril/May 2026  ▲
NSRG Board MeetingAugust 2026 ▲ 
AADOCR Board of Directors MeetingDecember 2026  ▲
NSRG Board MeetingJanuary 2027 ▲ 
AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, MN)March 17-20, 2027 ▲ 
NSRG Board MeetingAugust 2027  ▲
NSRG Board MeetingJanuary 2028  ▲
AADOCR/CADR Annual MeetingMarch, 2028  ▲


The following are the specific duties of each office:

Election Procedures

  1. All AADOCR student members and faculty advisors will be notified of the officer nomination deadlines and procedures by email starting in November of the year before the election. Election deadlines and information will be available through the AADOCR NSRG Web Page.
  2. The nomination forms and guidelines will be available on the AADOCR NSRG Web Page. Students (members of AADOCR) who are attending or affiliated with a U.S. dental school or institution who are interested in running for national officer positions will complete and submit the nomination form on the Web by the deadline. Officer election should begin at least three weeks before the AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting or IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session. Candidate nomination forms are due one week before the start of the election.
  3. Ballots with candidate information will be sent electronically to all AADOCR student members.
  4. The election deadline will be set for three weeks after the ballots are sent to the students. Voting reminders will be sent out weekly prior to the election deadline.
  5. Computer ballots will ask for a voting code in order to participate in the election. AADOCR student membership must be current for the election year in order to receive a ballot and voting code.

Names of the new officers will be announced during the IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session or AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting at the AADOCR NSRG Business Meeting and published in the AADOCR NSRG newsletter. Please address any questions to or the current NSRG President.

Nomination Deadline: November 15, 2024

Candidate Application

All information should be carefully proofread. The information you submit will not be re-typed; it will be provided for voters exactly as you submit it.

Candidate Information
Are you planning on attending the 2025 AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting in New York?
 (AADOCR will reach out to confirm before altering position)

(200 word limit)
(Include top bullet points; 200 word limit)