
Walter J. Loesche
The Sixteenth President of the AADOCR, 1987-88

Image of Walter J. Loesche

Born March 28, 1935, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Died October 19, 2011

In Memoriam 
J Dent Res 92(2):105-106, 2013

Inaugural Address delivered at Chicago, IL, March 11, 1987:
"The Best of Times and the Worst of Times"
J Dent Res 66(7):1210-1212, 1987

  • Forsyth Dental Center, Boston, MA, 1962-64, 1966-69
  • MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1964-67
  • Harvard School of Dental Medicine, 1967-69
  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1969-1999