
Howard Milton Myers
The Third President of AADOCR, 1974-75

Image of Howard Milton Myers

Born December 12, 1923, Brooklyn, NY
Died February 6, 2006, San Francisco, California

In Memoriam 
J Dent Res 85(4):294-295, 2006

Inaugural Address delivered at New York, NY, April 5, 1975:
"Science Versus Technology"
J Dent Res 75(C):C35-C36, 1975

  • University of California, San Francisco, 1965-71, 1987-95
  • University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, San Francisco, 1971-74
  • Director, Center for Oral Health Research, and Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1974-86
  • Professor emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1986-2006
  • Editor, Monographs in Oral Science, 1972-97

Assumed office at the conclusion of the 1974 meeting in Atlanta, GA, at which time it was announced that the amendment for changing the name of the North American Division to the American Association for Dental Research had passed by a margin of three to one.