Adopted March 24, 1957; Revised through July 24, 2021
American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research
A Division of the International Association for Dental Research
This organization is named: The American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research, a Division of the International Association for Dental Research, hereinafter called the Division.
The Division exists to promote the advancement of research in all sciences pertaining to the oral cavity, its adjacent structures, and their relation to the body as a whole; the utilization of this knowledge for the promotion of better approaches to the prevention and treatment of oral diseases and other diseases of the head and neck; and the improvement of communication and cooperation among all investigators to share this knowledge for the benefit of all people.
The organization of the Division shall be in conformity with the Constitution of the parent body, the International Association for Dental Research, hereinafter called the Association.
This Division is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, United States of America. If the corporation shall be dissolved at any time, no part of its funds or property shall be distributed to its members; but, after payment of all indebtedness of the corporation, its surplus funds shall be used for dental, oral, and craniofacial research in such manner, as the then-governing body of the Division shall determine.
- SECTIONS. Sections, except the Institutional and Corporate Sections, shall be an organization of the Association and the Division in a locality or contiguous localities. Each Section, except the Institutional Section, shall consist of ten or more members. New Sections may be organized only with the approval of the Division.
- INSTITUTIONAL AND CORPORATE SECTIONS. One Section shall consist of all Institutional Members of the Division and a second Corporate Section shall consist of all Corporate members. Each Institutional and Corporate Member will designate one representative from its institution or corporation to represent it in the appropriate Section. Institutional and Corporate Members will have representation in the Council through one Councilor elected by each the Institutional Section and the Corporate Section. Institutional and Corporate Members will have no other voting or nominating privileges. The representatives of Institutional and Corprate Members must be members of the Division and the Association, in accordance with the Bylaws.
- MANAGEMENT. Sections shall be managed in consonance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association and the Division.
- SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. Approval of a Section may be revoked or suspended for non-maintenance of the minimum number of members required for formation, failing to hold a meeting for two consecutive years, failing to report its activities and its membership, non-compliance with the Association’s Constitution, or for other good cause shown. Suspension or revocation will be determined at an Annual Meeting of Council by a two-thirds vote of the Council members present and voting. The Section threatened with suspension or revocation shall be so notified by the Chief Executive Officer at least 120 days before the Annual Meeting, and shall be entitled to appear before Council in the form of a delegation of members or Officers, or by submission of a written statement to defend its right to exist.
- INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP. Any individual, without any considerations of color, caste, race, religion, age, gender, national or ethnic origin, or disability, who is interested in dental, oral, and craniofacial research, shall be eligible for membership in this Division in accordance with the Bylaws of the Division.
- INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP. Any educational institution, research institution or center, or Government agency in dental, oral, and craniofacial research shall be eligible for membership in the Institutional Section of this Division, subject to the limitations of Article V B.
- CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP. Any corporation engaged in dental, oral, and craniofacial research shall be eligible for membership in the Corporate Section of the Division, subject to the limitations of Article V B.
- Termination of membership shall be in accordance with the Bylaws.
- An individual’s membership may be terminated or suspended for reasons of non-payment of dues, proven scientific misconduct, non-compliance with the Association’s Constitution, or for other good cause shown. Termination of membership other than for non-payment of dues will be determined at an Annual Meeting of Council by a two-thirds vote of the Council members present and voting. The person whose membership is threatened with termination shall be so notified by the Chief Executive Officer at least 120 days before the Annual Meeting and shall be entitled to appear before Council in person, by representation, or by submission of a written statement to defend his/her right to membership.
- COUNCIL. The legislative body of this Division shall be a Council that shall exercise the functions set forth for it in this Constitution and in the Bylaws of the Division, the functions assigned to it by vote of the Division, and such other functions as may be necessary in the conduct of the business of the Division.
- COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP. The Council of the Division shall consist of the President, the Immediate Past President, the President-elect, the Vice-president, the Treasurer, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Dental Research (hereinafter called Editor-in- Chief), the Editor of the JDR Clinical & Translational Research (hereinafter called Editor), the Chief Executive Officer, and one Councilor from each Section. Each IADR Scientific Group and Network, the Institutional and Corporate Sections may be represented in the Council by a Councilor provided the representative is a member of the Division. Each Councilor shall be elected for a term as stated in the Bylaws. The Chief Executive Officer, Editor-in-Chief, and Editor shall have no vote.
- BOARD OF DIRECTORS. During the periods between meetings of the Council, the executive management of the Division shall be the duty of the Board of Directors. The Board shall consist of the President, the Immediate Past President, the President-elect, the Vice-president, the Treasurer, two student representatives, the Editor-in-Chief, and Chief Executive Officer, three additional members to be designated by the Council from its own membership to serve three-year staggered terms and the Board may appoint up to three additional members as defined in the Bylaws to serve three-year staggered terms. The Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief and Editor shall have no vote.
- OFFICERS. The Officers of the Division shall be (1) elective Officers from among the active members by ballot of the membership, and (2) appointive Officers appointed by the Council as prescribed in the Bylaws.
- ELECTIVE OFFICERS. The elective Officers of this Division shall be a President, a President-elect, a Vice-president, and a Treasurer. The incumbent President-elect and Vice-president shall be advanced automatically to the next higher office at the end of their then-current terms of office. All shall be members of the Association and of this Division.
- APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. Appointive Officers of this Division shall be an Chief Executive Officer, the Editor-in-Chief and the Editor, all of whom shall be selected and appointed by the Council of this Division. The Chief Executive Officer shall also serve as Secretary of the Division.
- TERM OF OFFICE. The term of office for each Officer of the Division shall be as set forth in the Bylaws. Each elected Officer shall serve until the installation of his/her duly elected successor.
- VACANCIES. An ad interim vacancy in any office shall be filled according to the rules outlined in the Bylaws.
- QUALIFICATIONS. All Officers and officials of the Division, Sections shall be active members of the Division and the Association.
- ANNUAL. The Division shall hold an Annual Meeting at least once each year unless prevented by circumstances not under the control of the members.
- Special meetings of the Division or the membership in General Assembly may be convened by the Board of Directors or the Council.
- Upon petition from at least 50 members of the Division at least two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting, the Chief Executive Officer shall arrange for the Division to meet in General Assembly during the Annual Meeting.
- SECTIONS. Each Section shall meet at least once each year unless prevented by circumstances not under the control of the members.
- NAME. The official publication of the Division is the Journal of Dental Research. The journal is a joint publication of the IADR and AADOCR.
- MANAGEMENT. An IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee (whose membership is described in Section H of the Bylaws) shall oversee the affairs of the Journal of Dental Research and other journals owned jointly by the IADR and AADOCR.
- NOMINATIONS BY THE COUNCIL. One or more nominations for Vice-president, Treasurer, and IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee members shall be made by the Council, in accordance with the Bylaws. Announcement of the nominations shall be mailed to each member of the Division at least three months before the date of the next Annual Meeting, and in a form to indicate that other nominations may be made by petition.
- NOMINATIONS BY PETITION. Additional nominations may be made by petition signed by 50 members of the Division and received by the Chief Executive Officer within 30 days after the mailing of the announcement of the Council nominations.
- NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS. Before the next Annual Meeting, the nominations for each office shall be sent by the Chief Executive Officer to all members of the Division on an official ballot for a vote by mail to be reported at that meeting. The nominations shall be sent no less than two months before the due date for the return of the ballots to the Chief Executive Officer.
- ELECTION. The nominee receiving a plurality of the votes cast shall be elected to each office, in accordance with the Bylaws.
- FEES. Membership dues, subscription fees for the Journal, and registration fees for the Annual Meeting shall be established annually by the Council.
- AUDITS. All accounts of assets belonging to the Division shall be audited annually by a Certified Public Accountant.
- BONDING AND REPORTS. All Officers and others collecting, disbursing, or holding in trust assets of the Division shall be bonded by a reliable bonding company. These Officers shall report annually to the Council and the Division in written form.
The quorum for Council meetings and for Assemblies of the Division shall be as stated in the Bylaws.
Bylaws and amendments to Bylaws may be proposed and adopted at any meeting of the Council by a vote of two-thirds of the Council members present and voting, the Bylaws and amendments taking effect at the close of the meeting. Proposed Bylaws and amendments to Bylaws shall normally be reviewed by the Constitution Committee before presentation to Council.
- PROPOSAL. A proposed amendment to this Constitution, formally endorsed by at least 50 members and accompanied by a statement of reasons for adoption, may be presented at any Annual Meeting of the Council, and thereupon becomes a special order of business for a vote by mail by the membership prior to the succeeding Annual Meeting. Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall normally be reviewed by the Constitution Committee before presentation to Council.
- VOTING PROCEDURE. The Chief Executive Officer shall mail to each member of the Division, at least one month before the next Annual Meeting: (1) a copy of the amendment, (2) the stated reasons for its adoption, (3) the names of the sponsors, (4) a ballot for a vote on the amendment, and (5) a copy of this Article XVI of this Constitution. The results shall be reported at the Annual Meeting.
- ADOPTION. A proposed amendment shall be adopted by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the members voting on the question, and shall become part of the Constitution at the close of the meeting at which it is adopted.
Adopted March 24, 1957; Revised through July 24, 2021
1. APPLICATION. New members may immediately receive a probationary membership upon submission of application and payment, and will become official members upon review of their application.
2. ELIGIBILITY. A prerequisite for active membership in the Division is residence in the United States. Membership eligibility shall follow the same regulations as in the Bylaws of the International Association for Dental Research.
The words “individual who is interested in craniofacial, oral or dental research” in Article VII (A) of the Constitution shall be interpreted as follows:
(a) MEMBER: A person who is conducting, has conducted, or who is interested in the furtherance of research in any branch of science or in fields related to craniofacial, oral and dental science. Members shall have the full rights and privileges of membership and are eligible to vote and to hold office in the Association.
(b) AFFILIATE MEMBER: A person who is not primarily involved in research but has an interest in keeping up with the latest research, e.g., a practicing healthcare professional, a dental professional involved in PBRNs or evidence-based dentistry, patient advocates, or healthcare educators with primary teaching responsibility. Affiliate members receive limited benefits and are not eligible to vote or hold office in the Association.
(c) STUDENT MEMBER: A person who is a student currently enrolled in a recognized academic institution who does not hold an academic appointment and who is interested in craniofacial, oral and dental research. Student members must become Members when eligible or be dropped from membership. Individuals may be classified at the Student level for no more than 8 years. The Student Member shall have all the rights and privileges of membership but shall have no vote or be eligible to hold office in the Association.
(d) RETIRED: A person who has been a member of the Association in good standing for at least 25 years and no longer works on a full-time basis for remuneration. The Retired Member shall have all the rights and privileges of membership but shall receive the Journal of Dental Research only upon payment of the Journal subscription fee.
3. APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS. The applications of eligible applicants who conform to the recognized standards of professional ethics may be processed and approved routinely by the Chief Executive Officer. Applications in question shall be referred to the Council.
4. SECTIONS AND GROUPS/NETWORKS. Membership in a Section shall be optional. Members are represented on the Council through Sections and/or Divisional representation of the IADR Scientific Group or Network. Any Division member who is not a member of a Section, Group or Network shall be represented by the Section nearest the member.
(a) Membership may be terminated automatically by a member upon delivery of a formal notice to the Chief Executive Officer of that member’s resignation.
(b) Members are terminated from membership after 90 days of non-payment of dues.
(a) Honorary membership may be bestowed each year by unanimous recommendation of the most recent three living Past Presidents of the Division that are no longer serving on the Board of Directors and approved by Council. Such Honorary Members shall have all the rights and privileges of membership, but shall receive the Journal only upon payment of the Journal subscription fee.
(b) An Honorary Member shall be selected on the basis of the candidate’s significant contributions to craniofacial, oral and dental research.
(c) Honorary Membership may not be conferred posthumously.
- DUES, including subscription fee to the Journal, shall be paid by members of the Division to the IADR Central Office.
- EXCEPTIONS. Honorary Members shall pay no dues.
- FEES. At each Annual Meeting of the Division, the Council shall determine and announce the amount of the annual dues for members and institutions of the Division, and the subscription fee for the Journal of Dental Research. There shall be a minimum and maximum amount for the dues for institutions. In case no Annual Meeting is held, this function shall be exercised by the Board of Directors of the Division. At least 75 percent of the dues from the institutions must be applied to development and promotion of projects beneficial to the advancement of craniofacial, oral and dental research.
The time and place of, and the registration fee for, each Annual Meeting shall be determined by the Council on the recommendation of the Board.
(a) The Council shall meet in conjunction with each Annual Meeting.
(b) In years where the Annual Meeting is unable to be held for any reason, the Council shall meet by electronic means and this meeting shall serve as the conclusion of the Division year. - SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS.
(a) Arrangements for the scientific sessions of the Division shall be made in accordance with the instructions from the Division or the Council by an Annual Session Committee of five members who have served as AADOCR Annual Session Group Program Chairs or a similar experience to manage the overall planning of the Annual Meeting program, including the timing and sequence of activities, assist in the identification of potential meeting sites, establishing the theme, symposia, workshops, etc., for the Annual Meeting. This committee may include the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee and a representative of the host/sponsoring Division. Appointments are made for a three year term with the Board’s recommendation and shall be transmitted to the Council for action.
1. COUNCIL: Power and Duties.
(a) As the legislative body of the Division, the Council must consider all proposals concerning amendments to the Constitution and the Bylaws.
(b) The Council shall receive reports from all Division Officers and committees and shall act upon the recommendations and resolutions contained in these reports.
(c) The Council has the power to approve the formation of new Sections.
(d) The Council appoints Division representatives to other organizations, which require such representation.
(e) The Council appoints the members of the Division’s standing committees except as stated in Section D, paragraph 2, of the Bylaws.
(f) The Council establishes the level of fees for the Division and adopts the annual budgets.
2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Vacancies on standing committees may be filled by the Board of Directors for the remainder of the Division year. The Board shall also act on proposals by the President for membership on ad hoc committees. The three (3) Board appointed members shall be (1) patient advocate and two (2) additional members selected from one or more of the following categories; investigators from the corporate sector, investigators less than 10 years past their terminal degree, investigators based outside of dental institutions, or any other category important to the Board in fulfilling the objectives of the Division.
3. CODE OF ETHICS. The Division has adopted the Principles of the IADR Code of Ethics.
- COUNCIL. The presence of Councilors or Alternate Councilors from one-third of all Sections and Divisional representation from IADR Scientific Groups and Networks, Institutional and Corporate Sections shall constitute a quorum.
- RULES. The Division shall operate under the rules of Parliamentary procedure as outlined in “Roberts’ Rules of Order”. In the event of a tied vote for an Officer position, the Council will determine the outcome by ballot.
- PREREQUISITES. The elective Officers of this Division shall be members who have authored scientific papers at no fewer than seven Annual Meetings of the Division or parent body, and have had active service as a Councilor or as a Section Officer in the Division. All student representatives and appointive members of the Board shall be members.
- TERM OF OFFICE. The terms of President, President-elect, Vice-president, and student representatives shall be one Division year; for the Treasurer, Members-at-Large and Board appointed members shall be three Division years. The terms of the Editors-in-Chief and Chief Executive Officer shall be five years except that under special circumstances either may be appointed for a shorter period.
In the event that an officer vacates his/her office prior to the completion of his/her term of office, an ad interim officer assumes responsibilities as follows: President – Immediate Past President; President-elect – Vice-president; Vice-president – Vice-president-elect; Immediate Past President – President; Treasurer – to be decided by the Board until a new election can be held. - DUTIES
- The duties of the Officers shall be those ordinarily associated with the official titles, and such other duties as the Division or the Council may assign.
- The President, President-elect, and Vice-president shall also serve during their incumbencies as representatives to the Council of the International Association for Dental Research. If the Division becomes eligible for additional representation in the International Association for Dental Research, the Immediate Past President and/or Treasurer shall also serve.
- The Treasurer shall maintain surveillance over the Division’s finances and assist the Board in the development of budgets.
- Each Officer shall report annually in writing to the Council on the conduct of his/her office.
- INSTALLATION. At the Annual Meeting of the Division, an appropriate ceremony of installation shall inaugurate the terms of service of the Officers of the Division.
Each Section, Institutional and Corporate Section and IADR Scientific Groups and Networks shall elect a Councilor and an Alternate Councilor to serve on the Council for a period of three years. If either for some reason is unable to fulfill the obligations, the remainder of the term of office shall be canceled, and a new Councilor and/or new Alternate Councilor shall be elected. The terms of office shall be so staggered that one-third of the Council is elected each year. The Councilor and the Alternate Councilor may succeed themselves for a second term.
The IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee’s role is to review the quality and financial status of the Journal of Dental Research and other journals owned jointly by IADR/AADOCR. Membership consists of: three representatives from IADR; three representatives from AADOCR; the most recent Past Presidents of IADR and AADOCR no longer serving on the Boards, who alternately serve as Chairs of the Committee. The Editors-in-Chief, Editor and Associate Editor(s) of all jointly owned journals and Chief Executive Officer shall serve as members without vote. - The IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee will analyze and make recommendations regarding publication of all journals to the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors and the Chief Executive Officer and will report annually to the IADR and AADOCR Councils through the Joint Boards of Directors.
- TERM OF OFFICE OF APPOINTED/ELECTED MEMBERS. Each member shall be appointed or elected for a three-year period, the terms staggered so that one each from IADR and AADOCR is selected each year, except in case of vacancy. The Immediate Past President of IADR and AADOCR will serve for one year.
- REPORTS. Annually and at such other times that the Council, the Chief Executive Officer, or the Editors-in-Chief may direct, the Publications Committee shall report to the Council concerning the conduct of the joint publications.
- RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP IN STANDING COMMITTEES AND FOR REPRESENTATIVES TO OTHER ASSOCIATIONS shall be made by the Board of Directors. The nominations with the Board’s recommendations shall be transmitted to the Council for action.
- STANDING COMMITTEES. In addition to the Annual Session Committee and the IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee, the following standing committees shall be appointed:
- AADOCR DISTINGUISHED SCIENTIST AWARD COMMITTEE: A committee of five Past Presidents, chaired by the most recent Past President no longer serving on the Board in the year preceding the award, who will select the winner of the AADOCR Distinguished Scientist Award, which has been established to recognize and honor outstanding research in any of the fields related to oral science. This Award will be given once every two years at the Annual Meeting of the Division
- CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE: A committee of nine members whose responsibility it shall be to review the Constitution and Bylaws, advise the Council regarding essential revisions, monitor compliance of the activities of the Division with the Constitution and Bylaws, and to work upon request with the corresponding committee of the International Association for Dental Research.
- EDWARD H. HATTON AWARDS COMMITTEE: A committee of nine members to arrange the program of the Hatton Competition at the Annual Meeting and to select the winners to represent the Division in the Association’s Hatton Awards Competition.
- ETHICS COMMITTEE: A committee of nine members to review the IADR Code of Ethics, specifically address Divisional issues, provide relevant information on ethical issues to the membership through meetings, publications, etc., and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- FELLOWSHIPS COMMITTEE: A committee of twelve members to administer the fellowships program(s) of the Division.
- IADR/AADOCR GIES AWARD COMMITTEE: A committee of nine members to select annually the best paper(s) published in the IADR/AADOCR jointly owned Journal of Dental Research, one in each of the three categories, Biological, Biomaterials & Bioengineering, and Clinical.
- AADOCR GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (GAC): Representation will include eight members appointed by the AADOCR Board of Directors. The committee will study government issues and advise the Board and Council on the possible effects on dental research.
- NOMINATING COMMITTEE: A committee of nine members to advise the Council on the selection of members of the Division for nomination as candidates for offices on the official ballot of the Division. One of the nine members shall be the most recent Past President no longer serving on the Board, without privilege of chairmanship.
- SCIENCE INFORMATION COMMITTEE: A committee of nine members to develop programs for promoting to the public and the dental profession knowledge resulting from craniofacial, oral, and dental research, including policy and position papers.
- COMMITTEE ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: A committee of nine members to develop programs for promoting diversity and inclusion within AADOCR and the dental, oral and craniofacial workforce.
- DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: A committee of seven members to consult on strategic planning for philanthropic efforts and assist in executing fundraising initiatives.
- SPECIAL COMMITTEES may be designated for particular functions by the Division, the President, the Council, or the Board of Directors.
- THE TERMS OF STANDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS shall be three years unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or Bylaws. The terms shall be so staggered that new members are appointed each year, except in case of a vacancy.
- Ad hoc COMMITTEES may be appointed by the President for the term of his/her office.
- A LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE consisting of members in such numbers as may be required shall be appointed for a one-year term to cooperate with the Annual Session Committee and the Central Office staff in making the detailed arrangements for the Annual Meeting.
- REPRESENTATIVES TO OTHER ASSOCIATIONS shall be appointed by the Division, the President, the Council, or the Board of Directors as required.
- BANK(S). Funds of the Division shall be deposited in a bank or banks approved for the purpose by the Board of Directors. Authorized expenditures from the general funds of the Division shall be made by checks, each of which must be signed by the President, the Treasurer, or the Chief Executive Officer, provided each expenditure is within the limit of each budgeted item.
- EXPENDITURES. Funds of the Division may be expended only on general or specific authorization by the Council, except that if the Annual Meeting of the Division cannot be held, the Board of Directors may also authorize expenditure of funds. The Board of Directors may also authorize expenditure of funds of the Division to defray expenses for the business of the Division not foreseen at the time of the Annual Meeting.
- Members of this Division for purposes of notice or other communications or actions are those persons who are members according to the latest information available to the Chief Executive Officer at the time of mailing of the notice or communication, or at the time of the action.
- Notice shall be considered to have been given to a member when written notice has been mailed to the member at the latest address for the member known to the Chief Executive Officer at the time of the mailing.
- In this Constitution & Bylaws, “mail” is understood to mean any form of communication from the Association to the members, including traditional mail and electronic mail.
- The term “Joint Boards” is understood to mean the Board of Directors of the IADR functioning jointly with the Board of Directors of the AADOCR to carry out duties pertaining to the joint activities mentioned in this Constitution & Bylaws or otherwise agreed to.
- The Student Representatives on the AADOCR Board of Directors shall be the National Student Research Group President and President-elect.
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