AADOCR Vice-president and AADOCR Representative to the IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee
AADOCR is seeking nominees for the positions of 2027-2028 AADOCR Vice-president and 2027-2030 AADOCR Representative to the IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee. Any AADOCR member may nominate an individual, or you may self-nominate for these positions. Submissions must be received by August 1, 2025.
Self-nominations are encouraged! If you would like to nominate a candidate other than yourself, please visit www.aadocr.org/AADOCR-Nominations
Individuals elected Vice-president will serve four years on the AADOCR Board. The four years consist of:
- First Year: Vice-president
- Second Year: President-elect
- Third Year: President
- Fourth Year: Immediate Past President
Individuals elected AADOCR Representative to the IADR/ AADOCR Publications Committee will serve three years on the AADOCR Board.
Candidates may stand for election two times in total. All nominees agree to abide by the AADOCR Policy on Nominations.
1. NOMINATIONS BY THE COUNCIL. One or more nominations for Vice-president, Treasurer, and IADR/ AADOCR Publications Committee members shall be made by the Council, in accordance with the Bylaws. Announcement of the nominations shall be mailed to each member of the Division at least three months before the date of the next Annual Meeting, and in a form to indicate that other nominations may be made by petition.
2. NOMINATIONS BY PETITION. Additional nominations may be made by petition signed by 50 members of the Division and received by the Chief Executive Officer within 30 days after the mailing of the announcement of the Council nominations.
3. NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS. Before the next Annual Meeting, the nominations for each office shall be sent by the Chief Executive Officer to all members of the Division on an official ballot for a vote by mail to be reported at that meeting. The nominations shall be sent no less than two months before the due date for the return of the ballots to the Chief Executive Officer.
4. ELECTION. The nominee receiving a plurality of the votes cast shall be elected to each office, in accordance with the Bylaws.
Questions about your nomination?